The Connor Wars F0314 – “That Stands For Pool”

The Connor Wars - logo 3Here is the fourteenth installment of Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic that picks up where the second season finale left off. As I mentioned before, I was so enthusiastic about the possibilities presented when the season ended that I just had to keep it going regardless of what happens with the suits at FOX.

The first thing you’ll probably notice is that I changed the name of the series to Terminator: The Connor Wars. I think that more accurately conveys what this project will cover as well as it being a lot easier to say.

As I disclaim on the title page, this is just meant to be a bit of fannish fun in the long spirit of the various fan communities. I’m not intending to step on any toes.

That Stands For Pool

In the real world, this would be the first episode back after the 1.5-2 month holiday hiatus. As a writer, you hope that you give the audience something that rewards them for their patience. In the wake of the previous episode, “Sharper Than a Terminator’s Truth”, that was a tall order.

Episode 14 was always designed to be a stand-alone episode. As a result, it was the very last episode of the season that had a story attached to it. Once it had one, I looked forward to it. I’ve hinted at some of Allison’s history in Palmdale. It was finally time to lift the veil on some of that. At the same time, we lift the veil on what Brandi does with a weekend pass to Topanga.

I have to give a personal shout-out to Jim for being my sounding board. This episode definitely benefited from it.

(With the size it is, and if it didn’t do it automagically, the PDF seems to read easier if you zoom to 66.7% and then scroll the text horizontally so it’s centered.)

Previous episode: F0313 – “Sharper Than a Terminator’s Truth”

Next episode: F0315 – “Standing on Melting Ice”

Oh, and before I get emails about this. The PDF file I generated has the setting to allow people to print out the script turned off. If you are having trouble with the plug-in, click here.

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