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Reflection On An Old TSCC/TCW Blog Rumor

Back in August 2009, while I was writing The Connor Wars, a blog post appeared on the interwebs that made some interesting claims about TCW and how TPTB were aware of it. The blog disappeared and with it links to the info that people sometimes ask me about. But nothing ever truly disappears anymore…


TCW Compilations

As I wrote The Connor Wars, I posted scripts on a more-or-less consistent schedule. By necessity that meant I posted each script on its own. True, while I threaded them together so you could read them in order, and provided a home page for you to access them at your whim, there was still one thing left to do that I’ve held off doing until now: a compilation.


The Connor Wars F0322 – “No One Is Ever Safe”

Here is the season-finale twenty-second installment of Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 3 fanfic that picks up where the second season finale left off. I was so enthusiastic about the possibilities presented when the season ended that I just had to keep it going.


The Connor Wars F0319 – “Any Blame or Fault”

Here is the nineteenth installment of Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 3 fanfic that picks up where the second season finale left off. I was so enthusiastic about the possibilities presented when the season ended that I just had to keep it going.


The Connor Wars F0318 – “Whereabouts Unknown”

Here is the eighteenth installment of Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 3 fanfic that picks up where the second season finale left off. I was so enthusiastic about the possibilities presented when the season ended that I just had to keep it going.