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Why Does CJ Wear Glasses?

Eyeglasses are a marvelous invention. When they are matched to one’s own eyes, the results can be nothing but spectacular (which is related to “spectacle” which leads us to “eyeglasses”…language is nifty like that). My life would be so different without these wondrous bits of glass/plastic.


Is 3-D a Fad or a Stepping Stone?

It’s all the rage. All the cool studios are doing it. What’s not to like about 3-D movies and TV? Well, a lot, but I just don’t want to be a naysayer. It’s possible that 3-D will stick around this time for it to develop into something still only seen in SF movies.


Making Obama’s Space Policy Fashionable

Every time President Obama unveils more details on his vision of America’s space future, I get increasingly sad. In some ways he’s making his predecessor look like a visionary. I think it’s fair to say that Obama’s plan is so greatly in need of visionary correction that even Lasik might not be very effective.


Believe – Part 3, Having Vision

Any intelligence is effectively useless without an ability to perceive that which is external to the intelligence. The key to vision isn’t the how of image gathering, but the processing and interpretation of the images gathered.