John Adams Would Not Like the Current Congress
Posterity! you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a …
Read more...Posterity! you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a …
Read more...James Madison was perhaps the most influential figure when it came to the writing of both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. When he states his view/warning on the wealthy’s influence on the government he’s designing, we should probably take heed.
Read more...I’ve written a number of articles that haven’t been put out for public consumption. You see, when the world goes mad, it can be like a minefield when you try to shine a light on it. You are never completely sure when you might take a wrong step and have everything blow up in your face. And yet, silence isn’t a viable option.
Read more...Every time President Obama unveils more details on his vision of America’s space future, I get increasingly sad. In some ways he’s making his predecessor look like a visionary. I think it’s fair to say that Obama’s plan is so greatly in need of visionary correction that even Lasik might not be very effective.
Read more...His gender and regional biases have been (sadly) increasingly apparent over the years. Jacques Rogge’s IOC no advocate for women athletes – USATODAY.com.
Read more...Actually, with a resume of softball- and women’s ski-jump- nixing, he’s acting sexist, too. There are many lopsided sports in the Olympics, …
Read more...There are a lot of rumors floating about what President Obama will opt to do with NASA and manned spaceflight. Much of this is based on the report Obama received from the Review of Human Spaceflight Plans Committee. While some of the rumors are doubtless based on administration “trial balloons”, I do think a paradigm shift is definitely in the offing.
Read more...I’m so tired of talking about healthcare. There are solutions that work, that have been proven to work, and none will ever get passed because money brainwashes much easier than rhetoric.
Read more...Long time readers of this blog know that I place a heap of blame on lobbyists for the ills of this country. So, excuse me for not shedding any tears when lobbyists complain that President Obama is severely limiting their access.
Read more...The stock market continues to tank. Banks are teetering on the brink. General Motors’ auditors say that it likely will end up in bankruptcy. Meanwhile the new Congress and President are settling in for their very familiar dance. As I’m getting tired of hearing the same ol’ same ol’, I think it’s time that we just deal with what needs dealing with.
Read more...In prosecuting their wars, both the president and the Congress have taken the politically safe road while simultaneously flouting the intent of the founders when they drafted the Constitution. Wars are fought though never declared. The forces are under-manned. As an American, I find it insulting.
Read more...As Emperor Overlord of the United States, I have to give that new kid, Obama, credit. He doesn’t do things small. A $3.55 trillion budget. That takes some brass ones, it does. I should probably say a little something about this amusing little income/expense outline of his.
Read more...It’s amazing. President Barak Obama didn’t even last his first week before one of his boneheaded policy desires started fast-tracking through Congress. Though seemingly innocuous to some, the push to delay the digital television transition is capricious and ill-advised.
Read more...Every inauguration is different, but every one is also the same. There is the song of hope. Hope that the government will do right by its people, and also the hope that the people will do right for each other and the nation. Now it’s President Obama’s time of service to all of America’s people.
Read more...Now that our long national election is (mostly) decided, a few thoughts in the wake of election-night emotion.
Read more...I’m not a big Obama supporter. I haven’t been from the start. But tonight, when the country spoke with a loud voice that they not only wanted change, but they wanted a black man to lead them…I’m not ashamed to tell you that tears streamed down my face.
Read more...Slowly, ever so slowly (well, quicker in the past seven years, but mostly it’s slowly), the office of the president has become less executive and more strongman. Congress needs to grow a pair and get some of its constitutional power back.
Read more...Paris Hilton has struck again with another fake-political ad to promote her fake-run to the White House. This time, she consults with one of the great fake-presidents of all time, Martin Sheen, in an issue-laden kitchen consult.