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Why Occupy Wall Street Matters — If It Lasts

Many questions have been raised concerning the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests and camps that have spread across the country. In a nutshell, these questions seems to boil down to: “So what? A lot of people are camping out and whining…therefore I ask again, so what? Why should I care? Why does the OWS movement matter?”


Making Obama’s Space Policy Fashionable

Every time President Obama unveils more details on his vision of America’s space future, I get increasingly sad. In some ways he’s making his predecessor look like a visionary. I think it’s fair to say that Obama’s plan is so greatly in need of visionary correction that even Lasik might not be very effective.


Are Cameras the New Guns?

Governments and police need to embrace the public-generated media scrutiny, not persecute and prosecute it. To do otherwise suggests systemic malfeasance. Are Cameras …


Is An American Hemisphere War Possible?

As gangs increase their influence and power in northern Mexico, worried border-state governors are increasingly considering a mobilization of force. With tensions increasing we need to look at seeing how we can avert senseless escalation.


President Obama, Give Us a Yard and We’ll Take a Meter

For all intents and purposes, the United States stands alone in relying on an inefficient and antiquated measurement system. For decades the cry has been that it will be too expensive or too inconvenient or too confusing to change to the worldwide metric standard. With the current economy in dire straits, can we really afford this ridiculous policy? Not only does it makes us look like provincial boobs, but (and this will get people’s attention) it costs us money. If ever there was a golden time to attack the problem with a bold mandate for change, this is it.


Oh, If The Founders Only Knew

Slowly, ever so slowly (well, quicker in the past seven years, but mostly it’s slowly), the office of the president has become less executive and more strongman. Congress needs to grow a pair and get some of its constitutional power back.


Fixing the Education System

As with the weather, many people complain about the state of education but don’t really offer up suggestions for changing it. Here’s one proposal to overhaul the current system.


Paris, Our Next Great Fake President?

Paris Hilton has struck again with another fake-political ad to promote her fake-run to the White House. This time, she consults with one of the great fake-presidents of all time, Martin Sheen, in an issue-laden kitchen consult.


Enough! No More Bailouts

I’m sick of it. I manage my money. What debt I have I pay off…I’m never late. I read the contracts I sign. So, why is it that time-after-time I have to help bailout both scammers and the taken? Enough! When do I get something back?