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My Wheaton/Scalzi Unicorn-Pegasus-Kitten Fanfic

With my focus having shifted back to art, I haven’t been doing much writing lately. However, sometimes an opportunity pops up that you simply have to act upon. Such was the case with a fanfic contest set up by Wil Wheaton and John Scalzi as presented during the Phoenix Comicon 2010:


If I Had a Billion Dollars…

You’ve just been handed a billion dollars. You’ll never have to work again. Problem is, now you have unlimited time on your hands. How do you choose to spend your days?


Comic-Con – Victim of Its Own Success?

With Comic-Con sprouting again in San Diego in ’09, I can’t help feel like this year is different. I’ve had this sense before with other sorts of conventions. Has Comic-Con’s popularity caused it to meet their fate?


Time Machine to…Temple of Artemis

I think if I had only one time machine trip to the extended hellenic period, one of the top choices would be to see what has been described by many as the greatest of the seven wonders of the ancient world–the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.