One Less Friend
I just found out that one of my dear friends, Lee, passed away in her sleep this morning. She had such a …
Read more...Blogs mostly about my life
I just found out that one of my dear friends, Lee, passed away in her sleep this morning. She had such a …
Read more...It seems that whenever I’m working on a novel, my ability to manage anything else in my life just goes kablooey. It’s …
Read more...I’ve always found the world (especially the social world) a difficult sea to navigate. For me, acting via imitation was the most …
Read more...There has been a noticeable decrease in my posts to my web sites — even beyond the make-money distractions of writing and …
Read more...This was a surprise. I’ve been having some medical issues these past couple of weeks (that’s neither here nor there). A side-effect …
Read more...It’s been surprisingly busy around here. Enough so that I really haven’t been very mindful of the blog posts. Novel, art, theme design, life — all have been a part of this conspiracy.
Read more...It’s been an interesting couple of weeks, computer-wise, here at the casa. My main machine has started showing its age and I’ve been forced to put it on blocks for a while to see if I can get it back to its usual self. In the meantime, I’m having to do my work on my laptop — which beats not having a computer at all, n’est ce pas?.
Read more...Vegemite. The very word sparks terror in Americans. I’ve long been intrigued by the mystique. Today, I got my hands on a 220 g jar of this dark brown, yeast extract goo. At last I could confirm for myself the taste mysteries of Vegemite.
Read more...I’m in a bit of writing doldrums. It’s not because I’ve run out of words or ideas. It fact, it’s sort of the opposite: I have so much I want to say, but with my self-filter on (something increasingly rare in the general populace, it seems) I end up saying nothing. I’m trying to find a way out of that.
Read more...There is only just so much time in a life, and there are more than enough causes for several lifetimes. Out of necessity, we pick and chose the battles we are the most willing to fight…even (or perhaps especially) if a winning outcome is not assured. These are mine.
Read more...My time in the life-limbo of jury duty is ended; I’ve been officially excused. I have to say that the Second Judicial District Court knows how to do jury duty.
Read more...When it comes to food, sometimes I take the easy route and go with pre-packaged stuff. When I found Taco Bell Fat Free Refried Beans, I had a product I could really sink my teeth into. Unfortunately, it’s all but disappeared. So…it was back to making beans at home.
Read more...This week starts another chunk of my life that must be tithed to jury duty. Ugh. I loathe serving jury duty. Having served on juries in the past, this isn’t just theoretical for me. I know I loathe serving jury duty.
Read more...On her blog, Amber Benson asks, Why Are Relationships So Hard? Scrolling down to the post’s comment section, you see that simple question generated a flood of comments in a very short amount of time. Apparently, this is a subject very much on people’s minds. And yes—mine, too.
Read more...In conclusion, 2011 wasn’t my favorite year. OK, now that that’s out of the way, I can pause and take a brief look back on the year that was…not because it’s necessarily a good idea, but because it’s the last day of the year and I’ve got some time to kill.
Read more...A few years ago, I took one of those silly (but amazingly accurate) online tests to evaluate my nerdiness. It told me I was a “Slightly Dorky Nerd God”. You can well imagine that I beamed with pride. I stumbled upon the site again and wondered what a few more years had wrought.
Read more...Not long after I started my InArCreMo project of trying to get 50 art pieces done in 30 days, I sort of disappeared from my sites and severely decreased my social networking in general. This post is about the why of it.
Read more...For much of my life, it seems, many people have had an opinion on my personal style (or lack thereof). One of the perks of getting older is that as each decade goes by, the comments have grown fewer. I don’t think it’s because people’s opinions have weakened, I think they either have given up hope or have reluctantly accepted my little eccentricities.