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CJ, Page 28

When Life Gives You Lemons, Monetize the Lemonade

In “There is no ‘free’ lemonade: In giving drink away, girls ignore rules of economics — and sum up what’s wrong with U.S.”, writer Terry Savage takes to task three young girls (plus nanny) for setting up a lemonade stand and then giving away–not selling–their wares. I must admit, I’m torn by the two views of the world, the two mindsets, this conflict represents.


The Kaylee and Anya Doppelgänger

Ever since the FBI arrested members of an alleged (at this time) Russian spy ring, pictures of one of them, Anna “Anya” Chapman, have been released and they keep making me do double-takes. Why? Because she’s a dopplegänger for the actress Jewel Staite, who played Kaywinnet Lee “Kaylee” Frye in the series Firefly.


Say Hello to My Walk-assisting Friend

My knee recently got injured (again). Because of the pain, and a careless relapse on my part, I was having some difficulty getting around. That is, until I pulled out of the garage one of my dad’s projects to help me out.


My Wheaton/Scalzi Unicorn-Pegasus-Kitten Fanfic

With my focus having shifted back to art, I haven’t been doing much writing lately. However, sometimes an opportunity pops up that you simply have to act upon. Such was the case with a fanfic contest set up by Wil Wheaton and John Scalzi as presented during the Phoenix Comicon 2010:


Making Obama’s Space Policy Fashionable

Every time President Obama unveils more details on his vision of America’s space future, I get increasingly sad. In some ways he’s making his predecessor look like a visionary. I think it’s fair to say that Obama’s plan is so greatly in need of visionary correction that even Lasik might not be very effective.


Faux Trailer: Java 4-ever

I admit it–I’m a bit of a sucker for geek humor. Is it wrong that I’d actually like to watch this movie about a Norwegian boy, raised in a Windows family, whose heart leads him to (gasp) open-source?


WNBA 2010 – 13 Players I Watch

I’m a WNBA fan. If I have the time and access, I will happily watch a game and enjoy the experience. But there are some players that elevate the experience for me. We all have them. These are the women who we will pay extra attention to, distracting us from the general patterns of team offense and defense


The Quest For Audience

If a blog/vlog/podcast/tweet/update is posted on the Internet, and no one is around to read/see/hear/re-tweet/like it, does it make an impact? Well…no. Clearly not.


Can We Level the Title IX Playing Field?

Is it time to rethink how scholarships are distributed in college athletics? The head-butting between Title IX and Football has resulted in some inequities that should be addressed for the health of all college varsity sports.