Very Good Company For a Very Nice Evening

I got to spend many enjoyable hours on Friday visiting with Jamie*. Actually, it as a little bit of a working visit as I was installing some initial software onto her days-old laptop. Though some time was spent, too, with her daughter Lara, for much of the time it was just me, Jamie, and Jamie’s dog.

This has been a sort of rarity in the past few months: getting to spend hours with one of the Scotts mostly visiting. Prior to the couple of hours I spent with Tess, installing software and transferring data on HER new laptop, it had been mostly just Dale and me for any appreciable length of time. To be fair, there’s been a lot of change in the air since early spring, and it’s taken this long for at least a little stability to be reached.

This was also my first time over at Jamie’s new apartment. While different from the previous one, it felt very much like a home. The environment was very welcoming.

While we have obviously spent time together before, I can’t remember it being so distraction free for so long. It’s amazing how far afield our conversation ranged: from computers, to worship attendance, to Chinese, to pets, to…well, let’s just say that we had a lot of time to chat. And we all know how much I enjoy chatting to family. Speaking of which, I need to wrap this up. I have an uncle (or two) coming over tomorrow with cousins in tow. Somehow I don’t think it will measure up to the happy Friday evening I got to spend with one of my favorite people.

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