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At a Loss

I’ve been somewhat at a loss for topics to write about. We are currently in the middle of general election season — with all the silliness that goes along with that. As a result, it’s not like I’m lacking for fodder in that area from which to base blog posts. And yet I feel like I’m in the middle of the desert.


The Blog-slowdown Dog Days of Summer

A few of you have told me you’ve noticed I haven’t been posting to the blog as often as you’d become accustomed to. That’s totally mea culpa. I got enough piled on my life-plate that I needed to find some slack somewhere.


CJ’s Best Christmas Memories So Far

As you can imagine, after a half-century of Christmases a lot of them exhibit some degree of sameness. Traditions do that, being that you have a routine that is more-or-less followed year after year. Even so, amid the truckloads of presents and visits by Santa, I’ve managed to have a memory or two stick with me.



I haven’t written a journal entry in a while. This time, it’s not going to be any one thing because there isn’t just any one thing going on big enough for an entry all its own.


A Very Good Evening, Indeed

Some people are just like “peas and carrots”. I’m lucky to have a few in my life like that. After a twenty year gap, one of these special people came a visitin’–much to my delight.


Vacuum Shopping Sucks

Events have conspired to force me to buy a new vacuum cleaner…one that my mother can use. In these frugal times, it’s amazingly difficult to find a machine that will be a good value.


Birthday Dinner

Since my birth anniversary is coming up soon, a subset of the Scotts* treated me and Jamie to a celebratory dinner. A nice evening was definitely had.


Why I Write

Following my post, TTSCC Scenes I’d Like to See (Part 5) – Veritas, I received an email from a casual lurker (their words) asking why do I post these scenes? Did I expect to be “discovered” or something?


Tennis Team

From my house, I have a lovely view of several of the local high school’s sports fields, but the one I can see best, and the one that brings back the most memories, are the tennis courts. I look on those young people out there and a myriad of thoughts spring into being.


The Present Giving Conundrum

As I start writing this, there are about 105 minutes before Mary’s birthday. She always poses me with a vexing problem every March 4: what to do with recognizing the fact. It’s not so simple as many might suppose.


Making a Memorable Valentine’s Day

In a world filled with love in all its guises: requited, unrequited, kinky, quiet, romantic, and scores more, memories abound of Valentine’s Day. I have not been immune. I, too, have a Valentine’s day memory to share.


Another Loan Paid

In a period where both our financial institutions and the people who borrow from them are reeling from not being realistic about monetary matters, I think we can use as many fiscally conservative people (yes, like me) as we can find. Today I mailed off the final payment for my car.


A Curious Time of Faith

This holiday season I had some very interesting encounters. As I offered a Merappiful Chrismukkwansoltivusuleday to people that I’d meet, I found …