Reflection On An Old TSCC/TCW Blog Rumor

I’ve made several references in the past to spoilers and rumors that had been posted by Lanie Grace. At the time, there were some very large flames spewed her way concerning reports of the demise of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles–reports that history has shown to be true. Her rumors, which weren’t always completely accurate, were on the mark enough that I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Well, as I mentioned back on August 2009 in Sarah Connor Chronicles Un-terminated?, in one of her blogs Lanie spilled the info from a chat she had, “…with the same source at WB that gave me the heads up on the cancellation back in March 2009.” In that blog there were very clear references to The Connor Wars. I didn’t excerpt it then since it was a spoiler and she deserved the web hits for it, but the site and article have been gone for over a year and I don’t think the reasons for non-excerpting are nearly the same. I post it now for a couple of reasons: people still ask me about it; and I stumbled across the printed copy of the article I made at the time–the only copy I have or have found.

So…to set the scene. Lanie has been talking about the possible resurrection of TSCC in Late 2010–then over a year in the future–as well as the prospects for T5 (T4 having been released months before).*

Quoting my source over at Warner Brothers.

“History shows that America wasn’t amused when the formula for Coke was changed and they weren’t amused with Salvation, we heard, we listened and felt the pain. There will be a T5 but it will make a left turn in Albuquerque and get back on course on where it should have went in the first place and you can take that to the bank”

Later, there’s the elaboration that pertains to TCW:

I asked about the “Left turn in Albuquerque” reference that was made several times throughout our conversation and was told there was a fan fiction site run by a guy in Albuquerque that was so close to the direction in which the relaunched TSCC will go they actually had legal look into it. It however turned out to be pure coincidence but other than the overboard special effects it was about 80 – 85% solid in the direction the story will take and will be compatible with the next Terminator movie [meaning T5].

In the Official continued TSCC story line, young John Connor will exist for a time in the future and will return to circa 2010 before Sarah succumbs to cancer and J-Day occurs. What piqued the interested [sic] of Halcyon and WB were the writer’s uncanny similar evolution of Allison, her relationship with John along with her capture by a Marcus Wright style Terminator and the development of Alex the ever so quiet Latina as an integral part in John’s present and future. Weaver will also return “full force” as will Ellison, Savannah, Murch, JH and whole new set of characters in the future including Kyle and Derek.

My source ended with them stating there was no connection between the writer and the studio other than some uncanny coincidental similar direction in the future TSCC storyline.

That second-to-last paragraph is a wee bit confusing between what was being described regarding the “Official” version and events that appear in my little project. I especially liked the reference to “Alex”, being that the Latina had never been officially named in TSCC as anything other than “Chola” so far as I know…so someone was reading TCW.

Now, keep in mind that when the revelations were originally published the most recently posted TCW episode was F0307 – “Resfest”. Being that there were still twenty more teleplays and one screenplay to follow, it’s fair to say that the “80 – 85%” assessment likely suffered a significant decline in echoing the Official plan. If it didn’t stray rather profoundly, I’d be stunned.

And yet no one with official ties to WB or Halcyon or Pacificor or whoever-has-an-interest-in-anything-Terminator has inquired if maybe I might have a thought or two on T5 or some other project. On the plus side, the powers that be have been nice enough to let the fans continue to share in the TCW fun, so I guess I shouldn’t complain. In any event, assuming what Lanie reported was accurate, I at least get to enjoy the idea that the first six or seven episodes of The Connor Wars were pretty darned close. That’s pretty nifty.

* All excerpts from: “Sarah Connor Chronicles to Continue Late 2010”, Lanie Grace, Aug. 4, 2009

** It is VERY important to note that none of this implies or is intended to otherwise suggest an official acknowledgment, approval, endorsement, comment, opinion, or any other connection with The Connor Wars by Fox, Halcyon, Warner Brothers, Pacificor, or any other entity or person associated with the Terminator franchise. I’m just the messenger here.

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