The Unsane 30 Things Quiz That Does Not Even Have Questions
Various quiz/question memes get posted all the time. Sometimes I succumb.
Rules: You are supposed to write a note with 30 random things facts, habits, or goals about you.
1. My top goal in life right now is to come up with 30 things. Don’t know if it’ll happen–I’m not that interesting.
2. I don’t actually have goals, per se–no destination. Since the journey is supposed to be the best part, I figure it doesn’t matter how I get there if I don’t know where I’m going. There’ve been some great detours.
3. I don’t think I’ve played my guitars in over a year. Weird, but it happens sometimes.
4. My hair is long because I hate having to deal with my hair (clowns are creepy but they got nothing on barber-fear). Also…I happen to like long hair in general. What can I say…I’m a child of the 60s.
5. I’m going to come back to #5 later as I can’t think of anything.
6. I’d love to be known as the person who created the software for the benign artificial intelligence that will rule our future robot overlords. (Heaven help me, I do love computers so.)
7. Female-type humans are pretty nifty. I’ve always thought so.
8. I’ve never been much of a novel reader. People protest: But you’re a writer! Yes. I’m a WRITER. Different things.
9. When a couple commits to a life-long relationship, I’m always awed by their optimism and courage.
10. I start realizing my age when I think that a child born now (almost 2011) will think of the 1960s in the same way I think of the 1910s.
5. I’m going to have another go at #5: …. !!!!! *sigh* Nope. Not happening. I’ll try again, later.
11. I don’t really think of any place as “home”…a consequence of moving around when I was a kid. I will say that the Univesity of Maryland comes awfully close. I love my school.
12. I don’t drink coffee…don’t like the taste.
13. I don’t gamble for anything of worth. I’ll play a game of chance for the fun of playing the game, but when stakes are involved I opt to step back. It’s called gambling for a reason.
14. I like ellipses. I just do. I know I over-use them, often in a dubious fashion–but I like them. That such a little thing can bring such joy is a gift not to be questioned.
15. Two of my favorite movies when I was a little kid were “The Miracle Worker” and “A Patch of Blue”. I think the messages from those films have stuck with me.
16. Although I’m not being very humorous here (for once), I enjoy having fun with words and the people who use them. This might come from being slightly dyslexic, as the words always seem to be having fun with me.
17. Prime numbers are very cool. Most (all?) of my best years have been when my age was a prime.
18. Daughter-like-thingies are a great joy (usually…sometimes they are not-quite-at-the-great-level-but-still-a-joy joys). I highly recommend them.
19. 1968 changed my view of sports. I’d been raised on NFL, MLB, and some NBA; but 1968 was the first Olympiad I was aware of. The Olympics, and the events shown on ABC’s Wide World of Sports, showed me female athletes. From that seed came everything else. As for the NFL, MLB, and NBA…pretty much never watch those at all anymore.
20. The main thing I learned in catechism? How to tie my shoes.
21. I like drinking diet colas way more than I should. I ration it out, now–trying not to return to my 4-liter-a-day habit.
22. The requirements for me to move to another country (yeah…like they’d have me): Reliable Broadband Internet, affordable-without-a-roommate housing in a good (doesn’t have to be great) area, modern toilets, food and clean water, English spoken, electricity, art supplies, and some way to legally make money without having to kill myself doing it.
23. Best working situation: tell me the task, tell me the deadline, leave me alone to do it (but be available for questions). Oh, also: a bathroom.
24. Han shot first, George. Stop ruining it.
25. I really like my friends. A hunk of y’all are family to me and for that I’m so very happy. That you reciprocate at all is a wonder to me (I’d drive me nuts).
26. Jeans, t-shirt, workshirt, high-tops. Wardrobe selection made easy as everything matches.
27. On that ironic 2.5 mile walk home (mostly uphill) from driving lessons, I primarily thought about patience; about how everything was simply waiting. Some waits are very very brief; some waits are quite long. They are all just variations of the same thing, really, so no need to stress out over it. The walk home was really just another form of waiting.
…And girls (hey, 16yo boy–of course I thought about girls.)
28. While I can talk a fair lick, my virtuosity on the phone is limited.
29. My main hobbies are watching and listening. You learn so much.
5. Last try for #5: I really enjoy animals. Too bad I’ve rarely been in a position to form a lasting bond. C’est la vie.
(Yay! #5 has been conquered!)
30. I only have one true regret in my life. The lessons learned from that one have prevented so many others, so I’m reluctantly OK about that.
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