Computers HDrive Me Nuts!

Well, it appears that my secondary computer’s boot drive decided that it didn’t like accessing its directory…effectively making that computer comatose. I’m going to have to take out the drive, put it in an enclosure, and see if I can peel off the couple of directories of data I want to move. Since they are in a different partition than the logical drive that holds the operating system, I’m hoping that I’ll be able to read it.

I had been planning on doing a clean install of the OS soon in any case…the computer had gotten VERY sluggish. I’ll have to see if I have another drive large enough to replace this one. Clearly I’m not going to trust it. Having several decades of personal computer experience, I’ve had to deal with most of the problems that small computers can throw at you. If I’ve learned anything it’s that once a hard drive starts going flaky on you, for whatever reason and in whatever way, it’s time to abandon that drive ASAP. Don’t try to extend its life unless you are willing to have it die at any moment. It’s a false economy.  Just buy a new drive and take that “gotcha” out of the stress equation.

If I can’t easily take off the data, I’ll have to give some thought as to how to proceed. The data is there…I’ll just have to find a way to get it (hopefully one that won’t cost hundreds of dollars.

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