Political Poopy-heads in 2008

I’m spurred to scream at the political insanity that has been popping up over the last year…and I’m not restricting it to just the United States.

Poopy President

Regardless of where this might end up, I can’t help but start with that dictionary definition of poopy politicians, President of the United States George W. Bush. Last week, I was a little hopeful that maybe he did have some sense when he unambiguously said that boycotting the Olympics in any way was not an option as it would be seen as a slight to the oh-so-sensitive Chinese and thus would complicate US/China relations in the future. ‘course, the Chinese managed to cut off both the start and end of the Star Spangled Banner during the first of Michael Phelp’s medal coronations—with President Bush in attendance, btw—but no one ever said that face-saving didn’t have gray areas.

Despite that one brief moment of diplomatic sensitivity, Bush returned to his ignorance of political necessity by forging an agreement with Poland to plant U.S. missiles on their soil…right on Russia’s doorstep. History has shown that, despite their bluster, the Russian (and Soviet before them) government is very skittish about force around their borders.  America installing missiles in Turkey in the early sixties was the flash event that began the Cuban Missile Crisis; an event which showed that America wasn’t all that happy with foreign missiles just outside their borders, either.

I only hope that more bone-head plays aren’t in the offing in the final six months of his occupation of the White House.

Poopy Prime Minister

Conversely, aiding Bush in this bizarre dance of idiocy, is Russian Czar Vladimir Putin.  What’s that?  Not a Czar?  He’s Prime Minister? Seriously?!  We’re calling a duck a goose now? Fine.

I’ve always been leery about Putin. As the recent years have shown, you might take the boy out of the KGB, but you can never take the KGB out of the boy. Slowly, but surely, he has been bringing Stalinism back to Russia. The latest push into Georgia, oh so reminiscent of the 1956 invasion of Hungary, seems very VERY familiar. That he might also have ties to a theoretical organized quasi-society within his country that bears a striking, if more capable resemblance to a similar group long associated with Italy, doesn’t much help his global cred.

Poopy Presidential Politician

Barack Obama might know a lot of things, but he doesn’t seem to have a clue as to how to fight for the post of President of the United States.  His presumptive opponent, John McCain, keeps running attack ad after attack ad while Obama tries to stay above the fray and go in a new direction.  Every candidate in over 200 years of presidential politics that has tried to stay above the fray has ended up seeing that their new direction is nowhere near Pennsylvania Avenue.  I thought the lesson was learned when Kerry didn’t respond to the bogus “swift boat” ads.  Guess not.

Is it sad that Paris Hilton’s one little rebuttal ad has had more bite than all of Obama’s ads put together?

Also, Obama missed a golden opportunity to advertise well during the Olympics…a small little detail not missed by John McCain.

Poopy Presumptive Candidate

You have got to admire John McCain’s chutzpah—he’s the proponent for change determined to stay the course. One reason why the McCain campaign can air nothing but attack ads is because by adhering to failed policy in order to appease a vocal part of the GOP, he really doesn’t have substance over who is currently in the White House.

Poopy Population

I blame the American people for all too easily taking the information in ANY political ad, good or bad, for or against, and taking it as truth.  You are on the Internet right now…do your freekin’ research, why don’t you? Make up YOU OWN mind. Don’t let anyone, not the DNC, the RNC, any politician, or me make it up for you.  THINK!  For the love of country, please…think.

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