Summer-time for Dollhouse?

It’s obviously occurred to many in the Whedonverse that now that Summer Glau happens to be sans-series, and Joss Whedon happens to have a series that just got renewed, it might be really really nifty if she just happened to find herself caught in a totally non-denominational and (mostly) non-evil telekinetic bubble that just happened to whisk her over to the Dollhouse set. Not that I’m saying that plan was ever in the works (thank goodness the landscapers were able to re-sod so quickly and seamlessly), but I think we all know that the joining of Joss and any of his extremely talented retinue is something that forestalls the apocalypse (the big nasty apocalypse, not those other more-trivial ones)…and makes you more attractive.

So, when Michael Ausiello make mention of this on Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on ‘Dollhouse,’ ’24,’ ‘Burn Notice,’ ‘True Blood,’ ‘Lost,’ ‘Eureka,’ ‘Bones,’ and more!, attention must be paid. Ausiello reports that Joss says, “If anybody thinks [bringing Summer onto Dollhouse] hasn’t occurred to me already then they have not met me.”

Well, duh. After all, Summer is the cats pajamas when it comes to… to… well, a whole lot of stuff, especially acting. Still, Joss notes that he and Summer would both like to see her get to do something new. Joss reports that Summer has said: “I would like to play a normal girl before I die of extreme old age.”

Of course this is all nothing more than hopes and dreams at this point. But if Dollhouse wants to add a couple of million more viewers even before the new season starts, this would be a perfectly fun way of doing it. Besides, since the economy tanked, the bills for mystical telekinetic bubbles is really getting out of hand.

As a bonus…they’ve actually acted together before:

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