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summer glau

Flash TV Review: The Cape

NBC premiered its new superhero show, The Cape, in a two-episode push. Did they succeed in creating a graphic-novel milieu sufficient to keep people tuning in week to week?


Armchair Script Doc: Deadly Honeymoon

We watch a movie featuring one of our favorite actors and it simply doesn’t quite work. I find that most of the time the problems can be traced back to the shooting script (not necessarily the script the writer actually intended). The movie I’m taking a look at this time: Deadly Honeymoon starring Summer Glau and Zoe McLellan.


Summer-time for Dollhouse?

It’s obviously occurred to many in the Whedonverse that now that Summer Glau happens to be sans-series, and Joss Whedon happens to have a series that just got renewed, it might be really really nifty if she just happened to find herself


Sarah Connor Chronicles Terminated

Entertainment Weekly’s Michael Ausiello has just reported that Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles will be reported as canceled once FOX presents at the upfronts later this morning. While not exactly surprising news, it is disappointing.