Some Lifetimes It Just Don’t Pay To Leave The Womb

The last week has been fun. Had to get two of the in-ground valves replaced for our sprinklers. Then I had to get the water meter replaced because it wouldn’t open back up all the way. The IRS wants its pound of flesh. I have to re-register one of the cars. Property taxes are nigh. sigh It just doesn’t stop.

I’ve strained or sprained something along my ribs right beside one of my shoulder blades. It makes it very painful to breath deeply, but breathing shallowly requires the screamswirl-260occasional deep breath to get some oxygen in the system, so…well, ow. My sciatica flared up on both sides, so walking and standing are just such a treat. Today, while doing chores around town, the pain in my left leg lessened only when the leg itself started going numb. So, in a way, it was a good news/bad news sort of deal.

I’ve got a to-do list that’s longer than three of my legs and four of my arms…and neither the money or physical ability to want to tackle 2/3 of them.

Then there is the likelihood of Tess* joining up with one of the branches of the armed forces sometime soon, so that’s a worry that just lingers. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud that she has a goal and is going after it, and I want her to get from life what she can—I just hope it’s the right plan for her. And, to be honestly selfish about it, I’m going to miss her greatly.

I’m just amazed that with so many decades of practice, this life stuff doesn’t get easier. On the contrary, it seems to get worse every year. Thank goodness the economy is in good shape, otherwise I’d be worried. (What’s that? In the toilet you say? Seriously? Great googly-moogly.)

I appreciate that I can play around with friends every now and again. Pity almost all of them are hundreds, if not thousands of kilometers away, but at this point I’ll take whatever support I can get.

And now, I suppose I should wrap this up and head to bed. I have sprinkler heads to replace tomorrow. I’m so happy that spring is here so I can spend all day digging holes and maintaining something I’d just as soon get rid of.

(I’m usually more “up” than this, I’m just freakin’ tired. Apologies to all.)

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