A New Life

Well, tonight at 4.36am (though the official records list 4:45), little TAG was born (no, I’m not giving her name). Though smallish at 4lb 7oz and 18″, she’s healthy with a strong cry and unapologetic appetite. Scarlet* was amazing. If it weren’t for subtle facial expressions, you’d never know that she was having powerful contractions (as shown on the equipment). Though tag-img_3928-240her sister and mom convinced her to take a pain killer (and as a side-effect get a half-hour’s worth of sleep), she was inspirational to watch.

I, and a few non-intimates, were ushured out of the room as her water was broken. About five minutes later, she exerted one (yes, just one) push and TAG was out.  I watched over mom and pop as they took a well-deserved 3-hour nap before finally being able to get some snaps of the newest addition to the family.

So…I’ve been awake for over thirty hours, and I’m a little fatigued. I think I’m going to take a wee nap.

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