Praying For Troeesha

Scarlet* texted me this afternoon. She said that because of a blood flow issue, the doctors were going to induce Scarlet on Tuesday instead of letting her soldier on to full-term at the end of the month. Later, I got a text from Mary saying that the baby was going to be under four pounds. While it’s not outlandish given that Dawn was low birth weight and Scarlet isn’t immensely pregnant this time, either, it is understandably worrisome.

So, I think for the rest of November and much of the early part of December, my constant companion will be a string of prayers for Scarlet, Troeesha, and Joxer. This is not going to be an easy time in either case, but the ultimate results aren’t under anyone’s earthly control…though I think Troeesha will have a little say in how well she does.

I do ask that if prayer is something that you do, pray that Troeesha gets the best possible outcome. Pray that she is surrounded by love. If you could also say some words to help Scarlet, Joxer, Dawn, and all of the rest of the family, it would be very much appreciated.

I’m hoping that this year’s holiday will be filled with love and joy. I went through a sad winter last year, and it would be wonderful indeed to welcome into this one the promise of a healthy new life. Scarlet asked me to be there to record images of the day. She barely had to ask before I’d agreed. Of course I’ll be there. While my job will be as a photographer, I’m going to be there mostly to give freely of all the love I have for my family.

* Names are changed.

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