Tera’s 2008 Halloween Event

One of my younger cousins, Tera*, combined a lot of celebrations into one event. On October 31, she got remarried, and then showed off her new house during a costumed Halloween party/wedding reception. It’s not been my habit to attend these things over the years, but being that she now lives like a block and a half away, I sort of don’t have any excuses other than my own hermit-like tendencies. Still, she’s close to my immediate family, and I am sort of getting used to these sorts of things, now.

If anything surprised me, it was the number of people who showed up in costume—I’d say 90-95%. Yes, me included. I applied some Terminator tattoo-decals to my face and hands, and then interrupted my termination of John Connor to attend the party. (I’d reacquire the target, later.) Alas, none of the Scotts were able to make it. Doubtless it was circumstances (there had been a tentative RSVP the day before, and I don’t think they’d leave me hangin’ without there being circumstances).

In any event, the most popular costume was certainly that of nuns…the best being the one with a “nun in the oven” (yep…preggers). What stole the show was when Taylor and her friend showed up as a hooker and her pimpess/mistress, respectively. I have to tell ya, the pimpess in the form-fitting white-with-black-pinstripes suit, a masterful mix of costume jewelry (including a rhinestone tie), and 5″ heels was stunning with or without the drawn-on moustache (honestly, without the ‘stash she’d have looked like a straight-up model). Best of all, she and Taylor played up their parts (I’d go into details, but you really had to be there…funny but not crude).

Yadda, yadda…it was a good party. Tera’s husband, Rich, seems like a really nice guy. He’s a couple of years out from retiring from the Army, so he’s sort of hoping that whatever the new administration does, it doesn’t screw things up for him (he’s slated to start his last in-country tour in about a year).

And that was my Halloween. And today, on Dia de los Muertos, I’m just tired. I’m not so much with the partying. Add a cold on top of that, and the next day is one of rest. Well…relative rest. I did have to cook up some chile verde, and I’m writing this blog, but for the most part, it’s a day of rest.

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