Pluggin’ Away…for Al and Hostile Intent

I met Albert Perrotta back in college, and we’ve been friends ever since. Distant friends, as we usually have a good hunk of the U.S. between us, but friends nonetheless. We’ve jammed on guitar together, we’ve kibitzed movies together, and we’ve pushed each other in our writing endeavors. Which brings us to today’s plug…

Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself From Terrorism is the primary work of Phil Little, but because of his contribution, Albert also has a “with” credit on the jacket…which is more than good enough for me to give a plug. Albert described it to me as being about the spiritual source of terrorism from the point of view of someone who has been in the counter-terrorism trenches.

In the interest of full disclosure, I haven’t had a chance to read it yet (I’m in the middle of my own novel) but when have I ever let that keep me from plugging something? With that being the case, I can’t give you any sort of recommendation other than to ask that you give it a try.

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