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Religious Freedom?

Lots of self-identified religious folk in the U.S. whine about religious freedom…or rather how they are being persecuted/denied that freedom. They don’t …


I Don’t Believe, But I Still Have Faith

I like to think I have an inquisitive and rational mind. Many around me with a similar bent are content with thinking that life is just what it is. Nothing more. As closely as I toe that line of reason, the fact is that I simply can’t bring myself to go all the way to eschewing any thought of something more regardless of the lack of incontrovertible evidence.


How Old Is Your Soul?

The concept of soul ages isn’t exactly new or unique. Religions that espouse reincarnation are built on this very concept. But can you tell? Is there some say to determine if a person’s soul is young, old, or somewhere in between? What does it matter?


Skynet Prevails, Victory is Won!

It took almost thirty years, but the inevitable war of attrition finally resulted in Skynet breaking the fighting will of the humans. The cost to robotics was high but proved to be sustainable in the end. Skynet can finally relax. To what end? With the war over, what’s next on Skynet’s agenda?


The Necessity of Leaving Earth Within 2 Billion Years

The timeline for human life is finite. If we don’t kill ourselves off, or totally deplete our planet, then we have only about 2+ billion years to find a way to continue on with our species. That’s much shorter than is often thought, so we clearly must adjust our timetables for the need to develop a means to not only live outside our solar system, but our galaxy.


A Curious Time of Faith

This holiday season I had some very interesting encounters. As I offered a Merappiful Chrismukkwansoltivusuleday to people that I’d meet, I found …


Finding Secular and Non-secular Truth

Since I was a teenager, I’ve been on a search trying to understand faith. After much reading, listening, debating, contemplation, and so forth, I had an epiphany. Suddenly the niggling confusions became non-confusions. The core of just about everything came together.


Amulets, Talismans, and Symbols

I’ve been thinking recently of what seems to be a very human trait: the use of amulets, talismans, and symbols. I’m sure there must be a few examples out in the animal kingdom that also use these, but for the most part it seems to be one of the few quirks that separates humans from all the other living beings. They are ubiquitous. Except perhaps for the most primitive small groups, you don’t have to look hard to find these facets in all of human existence.