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Holiday Watch: Debbie Macomber’s Trading Christmas

In a nutshell, the premise is 2006’s The Holiday except played with different situations/characters. It basically is about two people finding unexpected romance after they swap homes for the holidays. However, while the premise is familiar, this isn’t just a slapdash redux of the previous film.


Hunk of Text Cut From QSS Revision

As I mentioned in a previous journal entry, I’ve been diligently working on revising my novel, Que Sera Serees, so it’s in fine shape when I release it on Kindle. If it seems like it’s taken a while…well, there is a good reason for that


The Connor Wars Writer’s Room 34 – Ask Your Questions in the Comments

As I expected, with the finale being posted, there are a lot of questions getting asked. Many of them I’ve expected. Some are new. Since I’m now in a place where there aren’t spoilers I need to be wary about, please ask away. It can be about the finale or anything about the series. I’ll answer what I know in soon-to-come posts/vlogs/podcasts.