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The Bootstrap Annoyance

I’m happy to cheer on people pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps. (Seriously…have you seen them try? It’s frakkin’ hi-larious.) Me? …


The Blog-slowdown Dog Days of Summer

A few of you have told me you’ve noticed I haven’t been posting to the blog as often as you’d become accustomed to. That’s totally mea culpa. I got enough piled on my life-plate that I needed to find some slack somewhere.


Some Fond Convenience Store Memories

Back in the long-time-ago, when I worked at 7-11, I tried to have fun where I could. Working alone on the graveyard shift afforded me a certain amount of latitude when it came to whimsy. For example


Because I Can’t Not Write

As a result of my Connor Wars project, I often get asked, “Why?” What do I expect to get out of writing more than a season’s worth of scripts for a show that doesn’t exist anymore?


Group Blog – Your First Job

My take on this week’s group blog topic: Your First Job…that paper route you did as a teenager. That horrible fast food work you did in high school. Or the temp job you took in your mom’s office for a summer in college.


The Tyranny of Circadian Normalcy

The world has a rhythm. You wake at sunrise, you sleep soon after sunset. With the advent of clocks, most people’s lives are regulated to meet an 8am-ish to 5pm-ish local time work schedule. Since the bulk of the population are either naturally early risers or can adapt to that with no great hardship, the world has standardized, for the most part, on this sort of workday plan.


Tips For Being a Good Manager

Like many of you, I’ve had many different jobs in my life and I’ve had many people in the workplace I’ve had to answer to. Like some of you, I’ve been in that other place…being the person in charge of others. Whatever side of the relationship you are on, it’s an interesting ride.


I’m Still Doing Yearbook

It has been said that if you truly enjoy what you do, then no job is work. I’m not sure I’d go quite that far. No matter how much you like doing something, there are going to be times when it’s a slog. Still, the spirit of the saying is true enough. If you find something that you love to do, you just want to keep doing it.