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Because I Can’t Not Write

As a result of my Connor Wars project, I often get asked, “Why?” What do I expect to get out of writing more than a season’s worth of scripts for a show that doesn’t exist anymore?


Boomerang Character – Buffy Summers

A boomerang character is one you keep returning to as: new stories arise, new incarnations are presented, or you revisit their previous adventures as comfort food. These characters are iconic. They resonate. In this installment: Buffy Summers.


Once More Joss Whedon, You’re Evil… With Feeling

I got bored a few days ago. I was staring at my DVD collection when out of the corner of my eye I spied the Season 6 set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I haven’t gotten much of a Buffy fix for a year or two. I especially hadn’t watched the musical episode “Once More, With Feeling”. So, I popped in the episode (again), watched the features (again), listened to the commentary (again), and sang along (again). So, why is Joss Whedon evil?