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The Bootstrap Annoyance

I’m happy to cheer on people pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps. (Seriously…have you seen them try? It’s frakkin’ hi-larious.) Me? …


James Madison on Wealth in Government

James Madison was perhaps the most influential figure when it came to the writing of both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. When he states his view/warning on the wealthy’s influence on the government he’s designing, we should probably take heed.


A Few “Occupy” Thoughts

A few people have asked why I haven’t been posting a lot about the Occupy movement. After all, I have a blog and I don’t seem to be afraid to use it. It’s not like I don’t have opinions on the matter. So I figured I’d take a few moments and touch on a few things.


If I Had a Billion Dollars…

You’ve just been handed a billion dollars. You’ll never have to work again. Problem is, now you have unlimited time on your hands. How do you choose to spend your days?


Some Quick Lobby Numbers

In 2008, companies and interest groups spent at least $3.42 billion to lobby Congress and the Federal Government. That’s really just another dollar amount to us at this point. Let’s look at it this way: that equates to 68,400 jobs with a gross pay of $50,000.