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ttscc, Page 8

Skynet Prevails, Victory is Won!

It took almost thirty years, but the inevitable war of attrition finally resulted in Skynet breaking the fighting will of the humans. The cost to robotics was high but proved to be sustainable in the end. Skynet can finally relax. To what end? With the war over, what’s next on Skynet’s agenda?


Sustaining a Post-JD Terminator/Human Alliance

What if Cameron and a group of like-minded terminators didn’t want the extermination of humans, and were willing to stop the fighting? If Cameron was able to convince future-John of this, and if together the Humans and the non-Skynet Terminators managed to defeat Skynet and its minions…then what?


TTSCC – Cameron’s Fate If The Connors Stop Skynet’s Creation

The Connors manage to prevent the creation of Skynet. Policies are put in place to prevent any A.I. from having complete control of military resources. All personnel and terminators sent to the past from different timeline(s) are killed in their own fashion…all except one: Cameron Phillips. If victory is gained and Cameron survives, what becomes of her?


American Idol Vs FOX’s Other Shows

Another season of American Idol is upon us. A ratings juggernaut that tends to leave havoc in its wake. Often, this havoc is mentioned in regards to what other networks have to do in order to lessen any damage that Idol will cause. I can’t help but wonder if Idol actually does more damage to all of the other shows on the FOX network.


TTSCC – The Rogue Paradigm

One of the themes of Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles has been that of going rogue. There seems to be a desire to break with the status quo and forge ahead on personal paths. I’d like to look at some of what has gone on, speculate about what we do not yet know, and try to look ahead at what may develop.


Building Terminator – My Plan For Season 2 (Part 1)

Based on the number of comments being made in the various fora during the two-month break between the mid-season finale and the start of the back-9 episodes of Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles, I thought it would be a fun little exercise to see how I’d have developed the 2nd season.


TTSCC – Still Staying the Course

TTSCC finds itself in a place that a lot of scifi shows end up in their second season: producers not delivering on fan expectations. Fans have a funny way of developing their own ideas about a series. I’d like to use these opinions as a sort of jumping off point for discussion.


When is Judgment Day?

When exploring the world of Terminator, specifically Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles (TTSCC), you have to bump your head against the elephant in the room: Judgment Day (JD). But…if it’s averted, how will anyone know?


Building Terminator – A Plan For Future Life

I’ve noticed (and been a participant in) some discussions on various fan boards concerning the stories of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I’d like to discuss some of what’s gone wrong, what’s gone right, and what can be done to ensure a successful run.


How Heavy Are Terminators?

I see questions about how much terminators weigh versus humans all over the terminator fanscape. People complain that so-and-so can’t be a terminator because so-and-so did this and it would crush whatever. Here’s the answer.