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Science In Action

There is still a lot of buzz going on about the announcement from CERN over the possibility that they had detected neutrinos traveling faster than the unfettered speed of light. Whether or not the results overturn that element of relativity is neither here nor there. The thing that does matter is that it shows the world how science works.


Let’s Change the Witness Oath

A person goes to the witness stand, they are told to raise their right hand, and say some version of the witness oath. Thing is, you get in trouble if you refuse to accept it. I propose a fix.


TTSCC Scenes I’d Like to See (Part 5) – Veritas

In the season 2 episode, “Ourselves Alone”, John has a confrontation with Riley. John gives Riley one last opportunity to confess her secrets to him. This scene is the result of asking what if Sarah hadn’t broken the mood John had set up? What if Riley actually abandoned the lies?


Finding Secular and Non-secular Truth

Since I was a teenager, I’ve been on a search trying to understand faith. After much reading, listening, debating, contemplation, and so forth, I had an epiphany. Suddenly the niggling confusions became non-confusions. The core of just about everything came together.