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Personal Financing the Federal Budget

With trillions of dollars of spending, revenue, and debt, it can be tough to have more than a theoretical handle on what all this Federal Budget nonsense is all about. Why don’t we scale it down a bit so we can get a better grasp on what the “fine folk” in Washington are doing.


Governor Martinez, Why Cripple New Mexico?

Governor Martinez has chosen to target the subsidy used to entice the film industry to produce movies and television shows in the state. While she could have targeted any of $1.2 billion paid to subsidize other industries, for example, gas and oil, she has instead targeted one of the few good PR sources this state has.


Quick Hits From the Emperor Overlord

As Emperor Overlord of the United States, my days are full. I mean really full. You think you’re busy. That’s nothing in comparison. I try to leave it to the Washington branch to take care of the details, or even leave it up to all y’all to use common sense to fix things. So I can’t begin to convey how miffed I am that I have to take time away from playing Pop Answers on Facebook to deal with this schoolyard stuff.


Some Quick Lobby Numbers

In 2008, companies and interest groups spent at least $3.42 billion to lobby Congress and the Federal Government. That’s really just another dollar amount to us at this point. Let’s look at it this way: that equates to 68,400 jobs with a gross pay of $50,000.


Should We Re-populate the Workplace?

Do more with less. Fewer people means less payroll that has to be met. Unfortunately, fewer people means less efficient work and less money in the economy to buy our goods. Clearly something is off. Is it time for the bean-counters to stop counting beans and start counting heads?


Enough! No More Bailouts

I’m sick of it. I manage my money. What debt I have I pay off…I’m never late. I read the contracts I sign. So, why is it that time-after-time I have to help bailout both scammers and the taken? Enough! When do I get something back?