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The Shadow of Jury Duty

This week starts another chunk of my life that must be tithed to jury duty. Ugh. I loathe serving jury duty. Having served on juries in the past, this isn’t just theoretical for me. I know I loathe serving jury duty.


A New Movie Rating System

Since 1968, the U.S. has had a rating system for theatrical movies. These ratings are of dubious value as they are vague and often tainted by politics or studio pressure. Given the forty years of experience we now have, I think it’s time that we re-examine how we rate our movies.


Fixing America’s Health-care System

The time has come with health care reform to take a step back, look at the expectations and how we can use what is already in place to get us to our goals, and then get all “mavericky” and get the job done right. It might hurt for an instant, just a little pinch, but we’ll be happy we did it years down the road.