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Personal Financing the Federal Budget

With trillions of dollars of spending, revenue, and debt, it can be tough to have more than a theoretical handle on what all this Federal Budget nonsense is all about. Why don’t we scale it down a bit so we can get a better grasp on what the “fine folk” in Washington are doing.


Investing in Infrastructure – A National Aqueduct

I live in the United States desert southwest. As the name “desert” broadcasts, our major resource headache is water—or, rather, the lack of water. We are fast approaching a situation where the effect on national food supplies as well as population health could become an issue.


No More Stimulus Packages, U.S. – Try Sound Money Management

I just read an article about how both the Congress and the Bush Administration (with the blessing of Fed Chair Bernake) want to issue another “stimulus package” to strengthened the economy still reeling from the credit crisis that, it was said, required $700 billion to avoid collapse. Let’s make this simple: it’s a bad idea.

First—and this is key—our political