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Lobbyists Lobby For Lobbying

Long time readers of this blog know that I place a heap of blame on lobbyists for the ills of this country. So, excuse me for not shedding any tears when lobbyists complain that President Obama is severely limiting their access.


5 Keys to Be the Person Our Parents Hoped We’d Become

Life’s lessons are often hard won. Through a process of trial and error, we slowly learn those things that make us better people. If we are lucky and learn these lessons early enough, we can serve as an example to our children. If we are very lucky, we might even earn the pride of our own parents.


Talking Head – Tips For Confident Public Speaking

Oral reports in school were so much fun. The anxiety, sweats, shaking, fear, and stomach knots were constant companions. Now…I can stand in front of groups of people large and small with there being essentially no difference than if I was talking to you across a diner table. Here’s what I learned.