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Susan Cain: The power of introverts (TED)

I think it’s safe to say that I’m an introvert. I’m very thankful for fellow introvert, Susan Cain, who is forced out of her introversion to speak before the audience at TED. Her message that it’s OK to be quiet and thoughtful is welcome and important.


Pondering Amber Benson’s Relationship Question

On her blog, Amber Benson asks, Why Are Relationships So Hard? Scrolling down to the post’s comment section, you see that simple question generated a flood of comments in a very short amount of time. Apparently, this is a subject very much on people’s minds. And yes—mine, too.


Being Other In Times Of Pain

I’ve mentioned before that I have aspects of my personality that are very likely due to some degree of Asperger’s syndrome. For many things, especially knowledge-based things, these quirks are actually kind of nifty. But there’s a flip-side that rears its head that puts me separate from what I see in others