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Pondering Amber Benson’s Relationship Question

On her blog, Amber Benson asks, Why Are Relationships So Hard? Scrolling down to the post’s comment section, you see that simple question generated a flood of comments in a very short amount of time. Apparently, this is a subject very much on people’s minds. And yes—mine, too.


Sex After Marriage

My take on this week’s group blog topic: Sex After Marriage…or this misconception among men that all women lose interest in sex after marriage.


Was It Easier Being a Kid?

I was watching some children in the neighborhood playing. Some were doing something with a ball. Others (this was weird) were sitting at the curb texting. Now, while I’m happy that they are apparently at least somewhat literate, at least enough for texting, I couldn’t help but wonder if something gets lost?


Quick Hits From the Emperor Overlord

As Emperor Overlord of the United States, my days are full. I mean really full. You think you’re busy. That’s nothing in comparison. I try to leave it to the Washington branch to take care of the details, or even leave it up to all y’all to use common sense to fix things. So I can’t begin to convey how miffed I am that I have to take time away from playing Pop Answers on Facebook to deal with this schoolyard stuff.


Sex and the Single Cyborg

In a world where the machines are in charge, the old ways of making babies are dead. The intelligent machines will want to continue their reign. Being made out of metal and all…how are they going to do that? How could they possibly be fruitful and multiply?