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TTSCC Scenes I’d Like to See (Part 5) – Veritas

In the season 2 episode, “Ourselves Alone”, John has a confrontation with Riley. John gives Riley one last opportunity to confess her secrets to him. This scene is the result of asking what if Sarah hadn’t broken the mood John had set up? What if Riley actually abandoned the lies?


Romantic Ideas About the Cameron Phillips Terminator

Cameron Phillips is becoming a topic of some romantic speculation about her role in the Terminator universe. To some she’s a very scary robot, to others a loyal and self-aware ally. Since I’m not immune to Cameron’s mystery, here are some thoughts


A Beginner’s Guide to Time Travel

Time travel can be a very confusing aspect of many stories told on TV, movies, or in print. Paradoxes confound and befuddle. This article might help to explain some of it, or it might just make the confusion worse. Hopefully, it is more of the former.