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The Confused Weird Kid

You know that weird kid you knew back in school? Well…I was that kid. I didn’t mean to be the weird kid, that was just how it was. Of course, if I’m being honest, I don’t think I ever really grew out of it.


A Very Good Evening, Indeed

Some people are just like “peas and carrots”. I’m lucky to have a few in my life like that. After a twenty year gap, one of these special people came a visitin’–much to my delight.


The Connor Wars F0302 – “Tempest Tossed”

Here is the 2nd installment of Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic that picks up where the second season finale left off. I was so enthusiastic about the possibilities presented when the season ended that I just had to keep it going regardless of what happens with the suits at FOX.


School Permissions

Since I’ve been getting back into the photo thing, I’ve had a hankering to return to my primary area of photographic expertise: sports. I’m not planning on going pro again (my body wouldn’t take it), but I thought it would be a fun activity. Since I have a high school close-by, I inquired as to what the hoops were that I’d need to jump through.


I’m Still Doing Yearbook

It has been said that if you truly enjoy what you do, then no job is work. I’m not sure I’d go quite that far. No matter how much you like doing something, there are going to be times when it’s a slog. Still, the spirit of the saying is true enough. If you find something that you love to do, you just want to keep doing it.


Nameless Jerseys Revisited

A little over three years ago I bemoaned the fact that Tennessee had elected to not have their player’s names on their jerseys. Since then, the policy has spread like an epidemic from school to school. I still think that this dubious practice is bad for women’s basketball and quite possibly for team sports in general.


TTSCC – Cameron’s Fate If The Connors Stop Skynet’s Creation

The Connors manage to prevent the creation of Skynet. Policies are put in place to prevent any A.I. from having complete control of military resources. All personnel and terminators sent to the past from different timeline(s) are killed in their own fashion…all except one: Cameron Phillips. If victory is gained and Cameron survives, what becomes of her?


Things That Have Made Me Happy

Once you’ve lived long enough, and have a lot of memories in the ol’ grouch bag, it’s hard not to pause every now and then to consider that unique collection that adds up to your life. Like you, I have a variety of event-mementos good, bad, and hard to define. Mostly, though, I prefer to pull out those things that still make me smile.


Fixing the Education System

As with the weather, many people complain about the state of education but don’t really offer up suggestions for changing it. Here’s one proposal to overhaul the current system.