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Personal Financing the Federal Budget

With trillions of dollars of spending, revenue, and debt, it can be tough to have more than a theoretical handle on what all this Federal Budget nonsense is all about. Why don’t we scale it down a bit so we can get a better grasp on what the “fine folk” in Washington are doing.


The Quest For Audience

If a blog/vlog/podcast/tweet/update is posted on the Internet, and no one is around to read/see/hear/re-tweet/like it, does it make an impact? Well…no. Clearly not.


On NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament Expansion

There has been a lot of talk about expanding the NCAA Division I Basketball Tournament on the men’s side from 65 to 96 teams. As a result, there is also talk of altering the women’s side of the tournament as well. Some suggestions make more sense than others.


Is It Now Time For Blipverts?

This past television season has seen an amazing shift in the entertainment viewing landscape. Due to a ripening of a variety of media, we have finally entered the nirvana of on-demand entertainment. The question is: how to monetize it?