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Religious Freedom?

Lots of self-identified religious folk in the U.S. whine about religious freedom…or rather how they are being persecuted/denied that freedom. They don’t …


Anti-sciencers Should Stop Stealing Science

One of the things that really irks me is unabashed hypocrisy. Take, for example, the recent report that a growing number of conservatives are increasingly distrustful of science. Fine. Distrust science; you can believe what you will. All I ask is that you stand by your convictions and stop using this science that you find so onerous.


Grasping For Sanity in a Nation Gone Mad

I’ve written a number of articles that haven’t been put out for public consumption. You see, when the world goes mad, it can be like a minefield when you try to shine a light on it. You are never completely sure when you might take a wrong step and have everything blow up in your face. And yet, silence isn’t a viable option.


Pondering Amber Benson’s Relationship Question

On her blog, Amber Benson asks, Why Are Relationships So Hard? Scrolling down to the post’s comment section, you see that simple question generated a flood of comments in a very short amount of time. Apparently, this is a subject very much on people’s minds. And yes—mine, too.


Science In Action

There is still a lot of buzz going on about the announcement from CERN over the possibility that they had detected neutrinos traveling faster than the unfettered speed of light. Whether or not the results overturn that element of relativity is neither here nor there. The thing that does matter is that it shows the world how science works.


I Now Have a Political Litmus Test

All my adult life, I have avoided applying any political litmus test when choosing candidates for office—especially for Congress or the Presidency. I held that people running in an election should be evaluated by the balance of their stands on issues, not focus in on just one small area. My stance on this has now changed.


I Don’t Believe, But I Still Have Faith

I like to think I have an inquisitive and rational mind. Many around me with a similar bent are content with thinking that life is just what it is. Nothing more. As closely as I toe that line of reason, the fact is that I simply can’t bring myself to go all the way to eschewing any thought of something more regardless of the lack of incontrovertible evidence.


Debate? No. Demagogy? Yes!

It’s really interesting to me (and not in a good way) how the sheeple in the public and Congress are so easily swayed by “The Big Lie”. Then again I’m also amazed (and not in a good way) that people hang on every venom-coated word spewed by the “fair and balanced” pundits


Why Are Poopy-heads So Afraid All the Time?

You see it everywhere: in the media, in bars, in prayer groups, at rallies. It crosses all races, political orientations, genders,perceived intelligences, and more. What is it? Fear. Not just the fear of ohmygod I’m being chased by an angry grizzly bear


A Judgement on the Gay Marriage Thing

You know, I like to think of myself as a fair-minded individual. In the past few years, courts, and now state legislatures, have begun approving of same-sex marriages. Given the numbers of conservative-minded folk in the United States, is it no wonder that there has been a vocal backlash of sorts? I have to say, I’m totally amazed that this is really an issue at all.


How Old Is Your Soul?

The concept of soul ages isn’t exactly new or unique. Religions that espouse reincarnation are built on this very concept. But can you tell? Is there some say to determine if a person’s soul is young, old, or somewhere in between? What does it matter?