Books I Loved Growing Up
My take on this week’s group blog topic: Book(s) that I loved growing up. Those tomes that were read over-and-over until their spines broke and my eyes bleared.
Read more...My take on this week’s group blog topic: Book(s) that I loved growing up. Those tomes that were read over-and-over until their spines broke and my eyes bleared.
Read more...My take on this week’s group blog topic: A letter to me on my high school graduation day. With the world before me, waiting to conquer it, what could I possible tell then-me that would be helpful?
Read more...My take on this week’s group blog topic: Does your significant other read your blog? How does ey feel about it? Does knowing ey’s reading influence what you write?
Read more...Some things just smack my gob. In a recent blog, Literary Agent Nathan Bransford poses the question: Does listening to an audiobook count as reading? Here’s what I think.
Read more...As with the weather, many people complain about the state of education but don’t really offer up suggestions for changing it. Here’s one proposal to overhaul the current system.