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Writing New CJCS WordPress Themes

On my websites, I try to focus much more on content than the facade. Don’t get me wrong — I do think presentation is important. Generally speaking, though, once I have a satisfying theme set up I’m not apt to make any significant changes for a while. It seems that the time for change is nigh.


xkcd: Tree

Being a programmer-type-fellow, I found this hilarious…and a marvelous idea. (Yes, I’m a geek…how can you not know this by now?) xkcd: …


Software: The Regulator 2.0 Regex Tester

The Regulator is a Windows program whose sole purpose is to test and learn and use regular expressions. Regular expressions are a way to describe how to search for text–and optionally to do a replacement or several. They can be daunting at first, but once you


Nose to the WordPress

This past week has been largely about prepping for the great Wordpress 3.0 migration. So…programming, theme-building, and some interesting little hacks that have allowed me to level-up a bit with WP3.


Terminator Fans Are a Force in End-of-season Polls

It’s been interesting to watch this year’s round of Poll-ballot-stuffing a/k/a which bubble show should be saved surveys. Every season, the passionate fans of a series band together and do their level best to flood sites with just as many votes as possible.


Things That Have Made Me Happy

Once you’ve lived long enough, and have a lot of memories in the ol’ grouch bag, it’s hard not to pause every now and then to consider that unique collection that adds up to your life. Like you, I have a variety of event-mementos good, bad, and hard to define. Mostly, though, I prefer to pull out those things that still make me smile.



I was reading a story about how this computer from 1985 was becoming a museum piece, and couldn’t help but chuckle to myself about how times have changed. Like many who will read this blog, I started playing with computers when I was a kid…