The Third Millennium Touchstone
Time was that if you had to find a phone number, you checked your Rolodex. If you needed to see if you had …
Read more...Time was that if you had to find a phone number, you checked your Rolodex. If you needed to see if you had …
Read more...I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we all have “ordinary” situations that we consistently find intimidating or overwhelming–events that stress you out even when you only think about doing them. I know I’ve got a couple that rear their heads from time-to-time.
Read more...My household receives a constant stream of phone calls from the likes of Telefund, The Share Group, and other similar entities. At least, that’s what my Caller-ID says. To all of them I say, “Stop it!”
Read more...As Emperor Overlord of the United States, my days are full. I mean really full. You think you’re busy. That’s nothing in comparison. I try to leave it to the Washington branch to take care of the details, or even leave it up to all y’all to use common sense to fix things. So I can’t begin to convey how miffed I am that I have to take time away from playing Pop Answers on Facebook to deal with this schoolyard stuff.
Read more...When I sit back and look around our world at all of the mundane stuff we take for granted, I can’t help but be amazed. So many things were only in the wild imaginations of science fiction writers—not centuries ago, but within my own lifetime. What a wonder it all is.
Read more...In 2008, when it was announced that Verizon wanted to gobble up hot rival Alltel, I fervently hoped the FCC would reject it. Because of the timing being under the watch of the lesser Bush, I knew it was likely that it would be approved. It has, so I find myself shaded by a cloud of dread.
Read more...Some people spend hours each day on the telephone, chating and bonding and doing all those other things that modern people do with that technology. For some reason, I don’t seem to be one of those people. (more…)
Read more...After engaging in a flurry of text messages, I was confronted by the cost of it vs a voice call. But, geek that I am, I needed to crunch some numbers.