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Skynet Prevails, Victory is Won!

It took almost thirty years, but the inevitable war of attrition finally resulted in Skynet breaking the fighting will of the humans. The cost to robotics was high but proved to be sustainable in the end. Skynet can finally relax. To what end? With the war over, what’s next on Skynet’s agenda?


Finding Secular and Non-secular Truth

Since I was a teenager, I’ve been on a search trying to understand faith. After much reading, listening, debating, contemplation, and so forth, I had an epiphany. Suddenly the niggling confusions became non-confusions. The core of just about everything came together.


Patience – My Most Valuable Asset

Waiting is a key component of patience. Once I learned and accepted that, everything else became easier. From gunfighting to shooting basketball, patience is more than a virtue, it’s an asset.