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MPAA Still More Rigid About Dirty Words Than Violence

The latest brouhaha facing the questionable practices of the MPAA when it hands out ratings has once again come to the fore. This time it’s with assigning an “R” rating to The King’s Speech mostly, if not entirely, based on one small section were curse words are uttered.


A New Movie Rating System

Since 1968, the U.S. has had a rating system for theatrical movies. These ratings are of dubious value as they are vague and often tainted by politics or studio pressure. Given the forty years of experience we now have, I think it’s time that we re-examine how we rate our movies.


Star Trek Memories

I’ve had Star Trek be a part of my life since 1967. I was in elementary school at the time. Though I didn’t quite latch on to the series when it started, by the end of the first season I was hooked. Who knew that 42 years later, I’d still be talking about it?