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Science In Action

There is still a lot of buzz going on about the announcement from CERN over the possibility that they had detected neutrinos traveling faster than the unfettered speed of light. Whether or not the results overturn that element of relativity is neither here nor there. The thing that does matter is that it shows the world how science works.


Why We Need to Restrict Light Pollution

When I was a kid, I lived in a small town that was more or less out in the middle of nowhere. Most businesses would close up around six (give or take), and most people stayed home. There were some streetlights, but not a lot. And at night, there were stars.


Ditch the Tint

People have a variety of reasons why they tint their windows. Some of those can be achieved without tinting. The rest should give sway to the necessity of public safety.


Irks and Perks

We all have ’em. Things that just make us cringe, ball our fists, and want to just go all medieval on someone’s tuchus. On the other hand, there are also those things that make you happy that… well, just make you happy. Here are a few of my irks and perks. Keep in mind, this is far from a comprehensive list, just a sampling.