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Having the Courage To Follow Your Heart

Should you, as Steve Jobs said, “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition”? What if everyone did that? Or is this just a philosophy applicable only to those who successfully completed this journey?


Revisiting Old Daunts

I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we all have “ordinary” situations that we consistently find intimidating or overwhelming–events that stress you out even when you only think about doing them. I know I’ve got a couple that rear their heads from time-to-time.


The Bucket List

“The Bucket List” is an interesting concept: a list of things that you want to do before you die (a/k/a “kicking the bucket”). It’s like a checklist of goals to achieve before it’s too late to achieve them. The lists are as varied as there are people.


3 Tips For a Contented Life

I’ve experienced about a half-century of life. In my guises as a writer and artist, I’ve also been a keen observer of how others have lived their lives. With the perspective that only time provides, I offer up three of the keys to getting through it all.


TTSCC – Beyond John’s Army

Let’s look at the world that is not in John Connor’s upper caste–all of those humans that aren’t soldiers but just trying to survive. Let’s also look at the world outside Connor’s camp, especially since we now have the post-season-2 altered timeline.


Tips For Being a Good Manager

Like many of you, I’ve had many different jobs in my life and I’ve had many people in the workplace I’ve had to answer to. Like some of you, I’ve been in that other place…being the person in charge of others. Whatever side of the relationship you are on, it’s an interesting ride.


5 Keys to Be the Person Our Parents Hoped We’d Become

Life’s lessons are often hard won. Through a process of trial and error, we slowly learn those things that make us better people. If we are lucky and learn these lessons early enough, we can serve as an example to our children. If we are very lucky, we might even earn the pride of our own parents.


TTSCC – Cameron’s Fate If The Connors Stop Skynet’s Creation

The Connors manage to prevent the creation of Skynet. Policies are put in place to prevent any A.I. from having complete control of military resources. All personnel and terminators sent to the past from different timeline(s) are killed in their own fashion…all except one: Cameron Phillips. If victory is gained and Cameron survives, what becomes of her?


I’ll Have a DLT, Please

I think that in all of my years, my DLTs are the most unexpected and happiest surprises in my life. I’ve not had children of my own, but I can’t imagine that I would have loved them any more than this trio of ladies.