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Pondering Amber Benson’s Relationship Question

On her blog, Amber Benson asks, Why Are Relationships So Hard? Scrolling down to the post’s comment section, you see that simple question generated a flood of comments in a very short amount of time. Apparently, this is a subject very much on people’s minds. And yes—mine, too.


Time For a New Paradigm For Women’s Sports?

I’ve been a women’s sports fan since the 70s. I’ve also been annoyed by the misogyny of media, politicians, and even religions toward these sports. If the playing field is never going to be level, then maybe the ladies should change the rules of the game.


A Judgement on the Gay Marriage Thing

You know, I like to think of myself as a fair-minded individual. In the past few years, courts, and now state legislatures, have begun approving of same-sex marriages. Given the numbers of conservative-minded folk in the United States, is it no wonder that there has been a vocal backlash of sorts? I have to say, I’m totally amazed that this is really an issue at all.