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The Healthcare Thing

Now that the Supreme Court has declared that it’s constitutional for Congress to have passed a law requiring people to purchase health insurance or otherwise pay a fine (tax), I figured I might as well share a few thoughts on it.


The Shadow of Jury Duty

This week starts another chunk of my life that must be tithed to jury duty. Ugh. I loathe serving jury duty. Having served on juries in the past, this isn’t just theoretical for me. I know I loathe serving jury duty.


It’s Been an Interesting Day For Freedom of Speech

The United States government has a long history of considering, if not passing and creatively interpreting, some really poopy-headed laws. From the Alien and Sedition Acts, to the Dred Scott Decision, to SOPA and PIPA; the Congress and Supreme Court of the United States are sometimes the most dangerous groups of people in the country when it comes to how we communicate ideas.


Should Cable “News” Be In Courtrooms?

And yet another sensationalized trial has come and gone. A significant faction of the public will be incensed. If not naturally, then fueled by the opinionated back-and-forth by fervent cable “news” commentators. We need to make this go away.


Let’s Change the Witness Oath

A person goes to the witness stand, they are told to raise their right hand, and say some version of the witness oath. Thing is, you get in trouble if you refuse to accept it. I propose a fix.


A Judgement on the Gay Marriage Thing

You know, I like to think of myself as a fair-minded individual. In the past few years, courts, and now state legislatures, have begun approving of same-sex marriages. Given the numbers of conservative-minded folk in the United States, is it no wonder that there has been a vocal backlash of sorts? I have to say, I’m totally amazed that this is really an issue at all.


Full Prices, Please

Even if we don’t admit it, at some point just about everyone with a television will watch one of the 1/2-hour product infomercials. You can’t help it. They suck you in. The thing I hate is how they subtly suck your wallet.


Fixing Death Penalty Madness

In the many pushes to repeal death penalties around the country, the most compelling in recent days has been the cost of death row inmates versus life imprisoned convicts. Clearly the system needs to be adjusted, but how?


Some Jury Changes

Surely, in all of the years of our constitutional government, we can come up with a few new, and possibly better, ways of conducting jury trials. We now have technologies the founders could scarcely have imagined. Why not make it work in the cause of justice? Here are a couple of ideas.