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Was It Really the “Play of the Game”?

You’ve seen it in just about every sporting event on TV: the Play of the Game. Usually it’s the “[insert sponsor name] Play of the Game”. Fundamentally, it’s a nice, potentially inoffensive diversion to offer up the fans. A defining moment of the event. Or is it?


Should Cable “News” Be In Courtrooms?

And yet another sensationalized trial has come and gone. A significant faction of the public will be incensed. If not naturally, then fueled by the opinionated back-and-forth by fervent cable “news” commentators. We need to make this go away.


Debate? No. Demagogy? Yes!

It’s really interesting to me (and not in a good way) how the sheeple in the public and Congress are so easily swayed by “The Big Lie”. Then again I’m also amazed (and not in a good way) that people hang on every venom-coated word spewed by the “fair and balanced” pundits


Foreclosing on the Fourth Estate

I’ve never been much of a newspaper reader. I am a news reader, however. A better method of delivery than RSS, but just as easy and common, would fit those of us who simply can’t deal with the unwieldiness and expense (economic and environmental) of paper.


Thinking About “New Boobs”

On her profile on a popular social networking site, a 20-something actress/writer/humorist/cool person directed her friends to get more info on her “new book, new shows, new movie, new boobs”. Needless to say, that’s been quite the attention-grabber. I mean, who doesn’t want to know more about the new book, the new shows, and the new movie? Even so, I think I’m going to go down the road less traveled and concentrate on the “new boobs”.