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Time For a New Paradigm For Women’s Sports?

I’ve been a women’s sports fan since the 70s. I’ve also been annoyed by the misogyny of media, politicians, and even religions toward these sports. If the playing field is never going to be level, then maybe the ladies should change the rules of the game.


Believe – Part 3, Having Vision

Any intelligence is effectively useless without an ability to perceive that which is external to the intelligence. The key to vision isn’t the how of image gathering, but the processing and interpretation of the images gathered.


Killer Tech – 4 Technologies That Will Hit Big

As small computers have become increasingly homogenized, the idea of the killer app is more of a fading dream. There are still technologies to be exploited. One is about to burst forth, one might come soon, and research is going on with two more. Each of these pieces of tech has the potential of making its creator not only rich, but legendary.


In Praise of the Innocent Ignorance of Youth

Sometimes when I’m in a lively discussion with older people like myself, they seem surprised that I stand out in support of today’s youth. They complain about how they are directionless and irresponsible. They label them as lazy or as hooligans who will bring about the end of civilization. It makes me chuckle.