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Stuff (via squid314)

As has oft been said: the difference between good fiction and real life is that good fiction has to make sense. squid314: …


Tears and Pride For America

I’m not a big Obama supporter. I haven’t been from the start. But tonight, when the country spoke with a loud voice that they not only wanted change, but they wanted a black man to lead them…I’m not ashamed to tell you that tears streamed down my face.


Fixing the Education System

As with the weather, many people complain about the state of education but don’t really offer up suggestions for changing it. Here’s one proposal to overhaul the current system.


The Other Ties That Bind

I think I’ve been pretty lucky to have had good friends for a very long time. I’ve moved thousands of miles/kilometers several times in my life, and yet I still stay in touch with the people I’ve met along the way. While we might not be part of each other’s daily lives any more, we are most certainly threads in the fabric of each other’s tapestry.


Time Machine to…Temple of Artemis

I think if I had only one time machine trip to the extended hellenic period, one of the top choices would be to see what has been described by many as the greatest of the seven wonders of the ancient world–the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.